Getting to Know Me

Hello, My name is Zxia and most people will pronounce it wrong. It’s okay, I will not be upset. I will simply speak my name to you. This is a personal blog for parents, people who take care of children, and people who care for children. I didn’t want to limit myself to just moms because everyone caring for children aren’t just moms. The people taking care of children hold many different titles and this blog is for you all. I have a son and I am nowhere near perfect, but who is? Taking care of a child is trial and tribulation. Trial and error. Theory vs. practice. And it is hard. Your patience is tested. Your lively hood is tested. YOU are tested, by a small human being connected to you. There is no one right way to raise children. And that is why I created this blog. I like to say I am college educated with studies in Education and History. Both which causes for logic, research, and facts. I am here to express my ideas and thoughts riddled in facts and research. Why hold it in? Why not have a conversation with the world and be able to resonate with many people? This blog will tell it all. I don’t want to offend anyone. Reading my blogs will make you think about your everyday decisions and how that truly effects your own reality. I am passionate about protecting our children. Keeping their minds free of bullshit and full of truth. Loyalty, honesty, commitment and communication. A strong family foundation. I am breaking generational curses. All in due time. My blog is my standing ground.

As a people, lets change the way we eat, lets change the way we live, and lets change the way we treat each other


Watch my REAL Short Poetry channel on YouTube below!